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«We developed interactive applications for the exhibition of the main military history museum of Russia

We designed and developed three interactive applications for one of the largest military history museums in the world, the Moscow Victory Museum. The applications, located at the People’s Heroism exhibition, are:

Map of the Occupation
Evacuation Map
Concentration Camp Map
The apps feature interactive maps showing the evacuation routes of Soviet industrial enterprises, the directions of Nazi Germany’s occupying forces, and the location of the death camps across Europe.

The apps also enable users to read historical references and view archive photos and videos.

Applications were developed using the Unity game engine. All installations feature touchscreen displays and projectors connected to a single PC. Visitors can use the interactive panel and see their changes on both the display and the large projection, which is a useful format for organized tour groups.

The application development, which was carried out from January to May 2020, involved processing a large amount of historical data. We carefully designed the visitor-focused display interaction mechanisms, the user interface, and the proper appearance to match the Museum’s brand book.»

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